Client - Brise Soleil Specialist

Main Contractor - Brymor Contractors Ltd, Main Contractor

Location - Eastleigh, Southampton

Material - 500 mm extruded vertical Aerofoil sun shading profiles


Assignment Details

  • Our brief was to ensure all aspects of the project were controlled carefully including design, procurement, delivery of materials to site and onsite installation, ensuring the profit margin was protected at all times

Project Challenges

  • The initial tight programme dates were agreed with Brymor. We translated this information to our client and the relevant suppliers
  • A new extrusion die was required to construct the 500 mm Brise Soleil box profile
  • Discussions were held with our client and Brymor`s Structural Engineer to agree the bracket attachment detail to the existing concrete structure and new SFS framing
  • The architect introduced an alternative colour scheme, this required careful management with the powder coat supplier to ensure the correct profiles were packed in the correct order for each elevation
  • The fixing brackets were supplied to Brymor for installation to the face of the building prior to the insulated render finish being applied
  • Lack of accuracy of the bracket attachment, required a rethink of the Brise Soleil attachment detail
  • Site installation had its own challenges but through thoughtful communication with our specialist Access Company, and Installation Teams a safe and speedy installation method was agreed
  • The 6 m long Brise Soleil Boxes when fabricated weighed up to 200 kgs each
  • A specialist spider crane and lifting attachment was used onsite to lift and manoeuver the Brise Soleil boxes into position, allowing them to be suspended in position as they were fixed to the preinstalled wall brackets

Project Results

  • Our careful control of design, material delivery and the overall programme sequence, ensured the site installation programme was concluded within 5 working days
  • Despite some on site difficulties we put forward installation design solutions to ensure a net finished detail
  • Careful control and negotiation of contract variations ensured the project was delivered with an increased profit measured against the original budgets
  • Good client to client relations were developed ensuring on going business
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